We lost him last Monday, and it's just really sad, but I remember all the good times we had. When we first moved to Delta, he was the water master for the Sugarville area. The kids and I would go for rides in his truck every few days to "help" him check the water. What a carefree, fun time we had back then. He always kept everything running well around the farm, even our cars that Jim didn't have time to work on. He loved to take us all out on the desert for picnics, Easter egg hunts, wood cutting, and Christmas tree finding. On Christmas Eve he pulled the old wagon with his tractor with us all piled in just to drive a half mile up the road in freezing temperatures to sing a Christmas carol or two at the neighbors. One of his favorite things to do was to fix people breakfast in the morning. His specialty was pancakes, but you never new exactly what he might put in them. They were always good, but sometimes they were a little different. I can't count the many times that he paid to get us out of a bind. He didn't really give us money very often, but he'd fix something that was broken or lend us a car for awhile. Both he and Grandma were the best grandparents a child could have, and we're going to miss them. But we do have our happy memories.
Tana and her green nightgown! I don't know whatever happened to it, but she wore it every time she spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa.

Celebrating Grandpa's birthday. Everyone had a birthday celebration that usually included Grandma and Grandpa.

Lydia with her great Grandma and Grandpa. It's just too bad that she won't really remember them except through pictures.

Grandpa loved to take his family out on the desert, to the mountains, etc. as long as it was away from civilization.................I think this was a Christmas tree hunting trip in 1987.

This has always been one of my favorite pictures. Chris and Lars were such little munchkins......

It's hard to believe Ian and Shelbee were ever that little. They loved living next door to their grandparents!